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Transmissions TV

Net//Work Residency: Virtual Open Studios

Net//Work Residency: Virtual Open Studios

A Lament for Power: Screening and In-Conversation

A Lament for Power: Screening and In-Conversation

Helen Cammock and John Bloomfield in conversation

Helen Cammock and John Bloomfield in conversation

Wysing Livestream

Wysing Livestream

Temporalities of Access was an afternoon-long exploration of access in relation to time, liveness, literary arts and time-based media on Saturday 5th November 2022.

The four events which made up the afternoon are now archived on Wysing Broadcasts as four videos with togglable captions and BSL throughout. The size and colour of captions can be edited by following these instructions: click ‘CC’ on the YouTube player > click the ‘Cog’ icon > click ‘Subtitles’ > click ‘Options’ on the top right > Change the size and colour of captions.

The four archived events available to watch are:

Temporalities of Access – Introduction.

'All This (gestures)'; a talk by Sandra Alland. With excerpts from San's essay 'Writing from the Groin' and Q&A with Sarah Hayden.

In-conversation with Kitty Anderson, Annie Crabtree, Tarik Elmoutawakil and Hannah Wallis.

Screening and In-Conversation with Liza Sylvestre and Sarah Hayden.

About Temporalities of Access

Temporalities of Access discussed issues of access—its creation, its refusal and its withdrawal— in 2022, during that particular moment in (pandemic) time. We talked of timelines, making time and allowing sufficient time. In conversation with Kitty Anderson and Annie Crabtree from LUX Scotland and Tarik Elmoutawakil from Marlborough Productions, we considered how arts organisations think about access in the presentation of liveness, performance and time-based media. With Sandra Alland, we thought about integrated access in literature, publishing, words on pages and words on screens. Finally, and in conversation with the artist, we discussed Liza Sylvestre’s Captioned series as time-based writing practice.

The event was the culminating event of the British Art Network’s The Art of Captioning series and A Language of Holes, two projects co-devised by Wysing Arts Centre and Voices in the Gallery.

Temporalities of Access was generously supported by funds from AHRC and British Art Network; Paul Mellon Centre and Tate.

Temporalities of Access

